How To: Run Multiple Vyopta Collectors


The purpose of this document is to walk through running multiple Vyopta Collectors should the need arise. Vyopta allows you to run multiple collectors for no additional cost.



Multiple collectors can be run for multiple reasons, here are a few scenarios:

  • Server Migrations or Data Center Migrations
  • Regional Collectors if High Latency is seen


  • New Service Account created in the Vyopta Admin Portal under the Users section. Please open a ticket with the Support Team to convert it to a "Collector Agent" account.
  • Have the new Server the collector will be running on ready


1. Once the new Service Account is created and setup as a Collector Agent, install the Vyopta Collector on the new server with the new credentials. For instructions on how to install the collector please see: Installing the Vyopta Collector

2. Create a monitoring group by going to the Vyopta Admin Portal, and clicking on the "Monitoring Groups", once the page loads, click on "New Monitoring Group"


3. Provide the Monitoring group a meaningful name and on the right where you see "Service Account" click on the drop down and select the new Service Account as seen below:


4. Once the Service Account has been selected, click on "Add Endpoints" to add endpoints you would like the new collector to use. 




If no endpoints or the endpoints you would like do not show up in that list, it means they are already in a monitoring group. Go to the other monitoring group and remove the device and then add it to the new Monitoring group.


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