Custom File and Local Report Exporter with Admin Portal

Custom File and Local Report Exporter with Admin Portal

The purpose of this article is to guide users through setting up the Custom File (CSV) Collector for the Local Report Exporter within Tech Insights Analytics. The Local Report Exporter is used to generate a CSV file of a Vyopta dataset, which can be pulled from a specific on-premise file location into a BI application, such as Tableau or PowerBI.

Setting up the Custom File (CSV) Collector

To create a report using the Local Report Exporter, the user must have a Vyopta Administrator account and access to the on-premise Vyopta Collector to verify file creation. Follow the steps below to set up the Custom File interface device:

  1. Navigate to the Infrastructure tab in the Admin Portal.
  2. Select "New Infrastructure".
  3. Choose the Custom File Interface as shown in the screenshot below:
Custom File Interface

Next, name the infrastructure and click "Save". Additional options will appear that can be used to change the default folder location on the Vyopta Collector Server. See the screenshots below:

Custom File Interface Options Custom File Interface Options

Toggle the "Enabled" switch to turn on the custom file exporter:

Enabled Switch

Creating a Report using the Local Report Exporter

To create a report using the Local Report Exporter, follow these steps:

  1. Click the share icon on the dataset that you want exported.
  2. Choose "Local Report Exporter".
  3. Select the appropriate options for frequency and period.
  4. Name the file and click "Save".

The scheduled report will now show up in the Reports section of Tech InsightsA. See the screenshots below:

Local Report Exporter Local Report Exporter

Verifying the File Creation

To verify that the file was created on the Vyopta Collector, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the install folder for the Vyopta Collector on the VM (usually C:/Vyopta/).
  2. Within the /VyoptaDownloads folder, the created file should be visible.


If you are unsure of where you installed the Vyopta Collector, you can find the install directory in the Admin Portal here. Please note that this file location is dependent on the install directory when the collector was first installed, and the file location set for the 'Downloads Folder' in the Vyopta Admin portal. See the screenshot below:

Downloads Folder
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