This document focuses on the Oracle specific configuration changes needed for Vyopta to collect against Oracle SBC and against EOM / OCOM.
Configuring Oracle SBC
Vyopta collection of Oracle SBC data utilizes the SSH ACLI (Acme Command Line Interface). This simply requires the usage of a single SSH ACLI account with User privileges (as opposed to Superuser).
An SSH user account needs to be configured for the collector’s use. It should have sufficient privileges to run the following commands:
show configuration session-agent
show configuration system-config
show ntp server
show sipd agents
show sipd sessions all
show uptime
show version boot
Please run these commands in a terminal with the assigned user to verify sufficient access.
More information regarding the ACLI can be found in the Oracle documentation here: ACLI Reference Guide
Enabling the “cdr-output-inclusive” flag
Enabling the “cdr-output-inclusive” feature is required before deploying the Vyopta collector for Oracle SBC. Doing so guarantees a consistent number of columns for each CDR record type, making interpretation of CDR data (which contains data with no associated headers) possible. This setting can be configured through the Oracle SBC web GUI:
In the top right corner, click “admin” (or the logged-in username)
Select “Settings”
In the drop down list on the left, select “session-router” → “account-config”
In the top right, click the “Show advanced” button (If already selected, the button will read “Hide advanced”.)
In the resulting page, scroll down to the checkbox labeled “Cdr output inclusive” and check it
Click the “OK” button at the bottom of this section
Navigate away from this page to save modified settings
Enabling forwarding of generated CDR files over FTP
This step requires a stand-alone FTP server running on the same machine as the Vyopta Collector. An example SFTP installation using the FreeFTPd application is shown here. Follow steps 1 - 3 only. Other FTP apps can be used, following the same guidelines.
The Oracle SBC historical collector relies upon the Oracle SBC functionality of pushing CDRs as they are generated to another server (in this case, the on-prem Vyopta collector server) over FTP. This can be configured through the Oracle SBC web GUI:
In the top right corner, click “admin” (or the logged-in username)
Select “Settings”
In the drop down list on the left, select “system” → “system-config”
In the top right, click the “Show advanced” button (If already selected, the button will read “Hide advanced”.)
In the resulting page, scroll down to the “Collect” submenu and expand it (See picture below.)
Select low, positive integer values for “Sample interval” and “Push interval” (Recommended values are 5 and 15, respectively.)
Enable the “Boot state” check box
In the list labeled “Push receiver”, click the “Add” button
In the dialog that appears, specify the “Address” (IP address of on-prem Vyopta collector), desired FTP “User name” and “Password”, “Data store” directory (recommended “/AcmeSBC”), and “Protocol” as “ftp”
Please use the credentials configured in the FTP server mentioned above
Save the associated settings and observe the changes in the drop down box
Navigate away from this page to save modified settings
Alternatively, FTP forwarding of CDR files can be enabled via the superuser ACLI interface, as detailed in the Oracle documentation here: Accounting Guide
Configuring Oracle EOM / OCOM (alpha development)
Enabling FTP access
Vyopta’s historical collectors can also utilize the FTP capabilities of EOM / OCOM infrastructure, querying CDR and MDR files over FTP. This can be configured through the EOM / OCOM web GUI:
Navigate to the “Settings” dialog.
In the left hand side of the dialog, open the “External Devices” subfolder, and highlight the “FTP Server” selection contained within.
In the resulting dialog, check the “FTP access enabled” checkbox.
Fill out the desired FTP credentials, specifying username and password.
Click “Save” to save these settings, then click “Close” to close the EOM Settings dialog.
Vyopta’s real time collectors will also utilize the REST API capabilities of EOM / OCOM infrastructure, querying call and voice quality data. This can be configured through the EOM / OCOM web GUI:
Navigate to the “Settings” dialog.
In the left hand side of the dialog, open the “General Settings” subfolder, and highlight the “REST API” selection contained within.
In the resulting dialog, check the “Enable REST API” checkbox.
Upon enabling the REST API for the first time, the API Key will appear in the text field labeled “API Key”. Please record this API key, as it is required to invoke REST API calls.
Click “Close” to close the EOM Settings dialog.
EOM / OCOM REST API functions used by Vyopta collectors include:
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