How to download the latest version of the Vyopta Data Collector

If you need to download the Vyopta Data Collector, you can download our latest release from the Vyopta Admin Portal with the following steps. 


In order to obtain the download,  you will need to be an Administrator of the Tech Insights Suite for your organization to gain access to the Vyopta Admin Portal.  If you don't have access you may need to reach out to your Administrator to get the download for you.

1)  Login to the Vyopta Admin Portal



2) Once you have successfully logged in, in the top right of the Tech Insights Window, select Admin Portal as shown below.  




3) Once you have opened the Vyopta Admin Portal, select Upgrade Collector on the left rail as shown by the red arrow below.





4)  Since this is for an upgrade, please check the checkbox "Use an existing vyoptacollector.xml configuration file" box, and then click on the Continue button as shown by the blue arrow.

5)  At this point,  you will be able to download our latest collector for Windows or Linux, which includes instruction on how to run the installers.



If you would like to have a more detailed upgrade document so you can roll back your install, you can use this article - Manual Collector Upgrade with Roll-Back - Best Practice

We also have our release notes in our Help Center which you can view from the following link - Collector Release Notes

Finally our collector lifecycle article can be found here to see if the collector you are using is currently supported or has been End of Life  - The Vyopta Data Collector Lifecycle


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