How To: Use Push based CDR With a Remote SFTP Server


How to use Push based CDR With a Remote SFTP Server.



Some organizations do not allow for FTP/SFTP servers to be installed on Windows or Linux servers outside of a designated server/service. This becomes an issue when attempting to get CUCM (Cisco Unified Call Manager) Call Detail Records (CDR) Logs without using the On-Demand Service.

This How-To Guide will walk you through using a custom solution to move CDR from an external FTP/SFTP server onto the Vyopta Collector Server.

**Note** The Vyopta Collector is required to delete the files. Therefore the Vyopta Rclone service will remove the files after they have been copied to a local directory on the server.


  • Ensure you have the IP/Hostname and credentials of the server that the CUCM is sending CDR logs.
  • Confirm the account has Read/Write privileges.
  • Download the package attached to the bottom of this article to the Vyopta Data Collector Server.


  • Extract the downloaded directory into the Vyopta directory used by the collector. That is generally located under the root directory. <DriveLetter>:\Vyopta. The path of the new directory should be <DriveLetter>:\Vyopta\rclone
  • Launch powershell with the "Run As Administrator" option. 
  • Once the powershell has started, move into the directory rclone was extracted to. Example: C:\Vyopta\rclone
  • Run the Install script by typing "install.ps1" without the quotes.
  • You will be prompted with a few questions. Once the questions have been answered the install script will generate all files needed and install the service.
  • Once completed, the console should show if the service has been installed and is running.


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