New Search Experience - Filter Pill break up, “Quick Pick” operator, “Quick Start”, and Ellipses Management


Whats New?

Filter pill breakup. The filter pill is not broken into three distinct components - the attribute, the operator, and the value. Users can now edit any single component of the pill without deleting the entire pill. 




Quick Pick operator. For select attributes with low cardinality of value options, a new “quick pick” option will be available as an operator selection. This is currently available in Tech Insights Monitoring only.


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In and Not In Operators. For Data Source/System Type and System Name attributes, a new IN and NOT IN operator will be available at the top of the operator selection drop-down. When either is selected, the drop-down list of values are organizationally specific giving only relevant options for that user’s org. 


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Quick Start. Some of the most commonly selected attributes will now be pre-populated in a quick pick treatment on the Tech Insights Monitoring Datasets pages.  




Ellipses management. To the right of the right-most filter pill will be a new ellipses icon that has the option to reset searches or add a new search group.




How can you utilize these new features?


Filter pill breakup. No user behavior change is needed to take advantage of these new pill formats. All previous pills have been automatically updated to this new rendering style. To take advantage of being able to alter the individual components, simply click on the component you want to alter. If you would like to eliminate the entire filter pill, hover over it and look for the “x” in the upper right corner.  


Quick Pick operator. If an attribute has been enabled to support the quick pick operator, it will be the top selection option in the operator drop-down list. Simply select IN or NOT IN and then select the appropriate values to be included in your list.


In and Not In Operators. Selecting the IN or NOT IN operator will power a drop-down selection experience for the value component of the pill. Simply select which values you want to include (IN) or exclude (NOT IN) from the pre-populated list of relevant options. 


Quick Start. These pre-populated options will show up at the first viewing of a dataset. By default, no filters will be enabled. If a user wants to enable a filter on one of the quick start attributes, simply clicking the icons or the “other” that’s presented once hovering over an icon will enable a filter.  


Ellipses Management. Selecting the “reset” option will clear all filters. It will also clear the quick start treatment. Selecting the “add new group” will add a new filter group argument to your filter query. 


Background to the new features

These changes were made to make search more intuitive, faster, and less prone to mistakes. By auto-populating values with the quick pick operator, users no longer have to wonder what the total set of value options are and can execute on them with a simple click rather than typing. Additionally, the IN and NOT IN operators are powered by organization specific APIs that will bring back a relevant list of Data Sources/System Types and System Names - no more wondering what Vyopta’s naming conventions are for systems or your specific organization’s naming conventions. 


Forward Looking

Currently, the pill breakup and the ellipses management experiences are universally available across all Vyopta applications (Tech Insights Monitoring, Tech Insights Analytics, and Workspace Insights) and use cases (datasets and dashboard metrics). We will be looking to add quick pick operators and quick start treatments to Tech Insights Analytics and Workspace Insights in the coming months.

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