How can I actively monitor the quality of a call that is currently in progress?


How can I actively monitor the quality of a call that is currently in progress?


In Tech Insights Analytics, you can monitor an in-progress call in three tabs: Calls, Meetings, and Endpoints.

Calls Tab

In the Calls tab under Datasets, you can view all active call legs that are monitored through your call controls, bridges, and management systems. Detailed Quality information can be viewed by clicking on the Quality link in the tab 'Quality (Last known).

Calls Tab

Clicking on ‘Quality’ will open another window that will show details such as channel rate, packet loss, and jitter for your audio, video, and presentation channels.

Quality Window

Meetings Tab

In the Meetings tab, you can view all active multi-participant meetings that are monitored through your call controls, bridges, and management systems. Quality for the meeting is displayed based on the “worst-case” quality of the call for each participant in the meeting – in other words, the participant with the worst packet loss and/or jitter values dictates the overall meeting quality displayed. You can click on the meeting name and see the participants for that meeting, including their quality information.

Meetings Tab

The quality of the meeting shown above is 'bad' because one or more participants are experiencing bad quality. Clicking on the participant name will give you the details of call for that particular participant.

Participant Details

Endpoints Tab

In the Endpoints tab, you can view all endpoints that are currently in use. If you are using Vyopta’s Endpoint Monitoring feature, any endpoints that are in a call will have a hyperlink option on the endpoint name.

Endpoints Tab

Clicking on the endpoint will take you to the below view. Clicking on calls sub tab will take you to Datasets -> calls and will allow you to see the quality information related to that endpoint call.

Calls Sub Tab Quality Link

Clicking on the Quality link will give you additional information regarding the call such as channel rate, packet loss, and jitter for your audio, video, and presentation channels.

Quality Information
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