How to export list of managed endpoints from Tech Insights Analytics

In order to get a list of managed endpoints from Vyopta, open Tech Insights Analytics and navigate to the Endpoints tab. Click on the 'Share' (icon: arrow) at the top right corner of the page and the below screen pops up.


Export types: You can select the way you want the export to be send to your email. Frequency: Options Available are - Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Example: If you select weekly, a report will be send out to the listed email id's weekly. Days: You can select the days of the week you want the report to be send. Reporting period: You can select the appropriate reporting period relevant to you from the list of options available. Example: If you have selected frequency as weekly, selecting last 7 days will be appropriate. Message: You can customise the message to suit your needs. Subject: You can customise the message to suit your needs. Emails: Enter the recipients email ids separated by a comma.


You can see the list of reports by navigating to the Reports tab. A report that was shared with frequency 'Once' will not be shown here since it was a once time report and not scheduled for weekly or monthly.


You can also use the Local Report Exporter to send a report to a specified location instead of receiving it in your email. Reports are send out only in CSV format and you can schedule the report to be send once, daily, weekly or monthly to the folder. Reporting period for the report can be anything starting from 7 days.

Note: If you have a third party application that need to access these Vyopta reports to generate any specific reports for your organization, this helps you to automate the whole process. You do not have the hassle of having to download each file and placing in a particular folder.

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