New Dashboard Metrics for Tech Insights Monitoring

New Dashboard Metrics for Tech Insights Monitoring

Our development team here at Vyopta has just released new metrics, Call Records and Call Streams, that can be used in your KPI and Trend panels within your Tech Insights Monitoring dashboards.

Watch this short 2-minute video to check it out!

Additional Vyopta Releases in Tech Insights Monitoring Metrics & Attributes:

March 2021: New Attributes For Tech Insights Monitoring

Vyopta has released new attributes for Tech Insights Monitoring that will offer improved solutions for CUCM, MS Teams and Google Meet.

So what are attributes?

Attributes are, essentially, what you select to create your tables within your datasets. For example, this table has the attributes of Source, Target, Data Source, System Name & Start and End Time. These attributes can also be used as metrics when creating your dashboards.

How do you select the new attributes?

From Tech Insights Monitoring, select the "Calls" dataset and click the "Edit" hyperlink on the top-right. The attributes you can select will be dependent on the data source selected on the left. At the top of the attribute window, you can select all attributes or search for a specific attribute within the search field. You can also use the toggle to show descriptions of the attributes.

Additional Vyopta Releases in Tech Insights Monitoring Metrics & Attributes:

November 2020: New Dashboard Metrics For Tech Insights Monitoring

Vyopta has released new attributes for Tech Insights Monitoring that can be used in some scenarios. To learn more about these attributes, please refer to the New Attributes For Tech Insights Monitoring article.

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