When I try to start the Vyopta Collector, I see an Environment Invalid error as shown below. What causes this issue?
Although you see an error that you are not able to access, the real error is the Too many follow-up requests. This error indicates that the service account (vyopta_svc@domain) that you use to connect to the Vyopta Cloud is temporary suspended due to too many failed logins for the account.
Ways you can prevent this error, is to verify that the service account is only being used by the collector, and not any other user or service. If someone else is using the service account, and locks out the account by accident, it will stop the data collector from connecting to the Vyopta cloud. If you require other service accounts, for API or another purpose, you should set up a separate service account in Vyopta.
Once an account is locked out, you wont be able to access the account for 30 minutes.
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