Migrating Data Collector to a new Windows Server


In order to migrate the  Vyopta Data Collector to a new Windows Server you need to set up a new server first. You can review the Pre-Kickoff Checklist located here: Vyopta Pre-Kickoff Checklist for information on the following:

  • The recommended Server / VM specifications
  • Server access set up
  • Downloading and installing the applications

Steps to Migrate:

Once you have the Windows server setup as per the requirements,

  • Stop your old Data Collector. 
  • Copy the vyoptacollector.xml to the new server (the same location you will be installing the collector on example C:\Vyopta)
  • If you have a Call Manager and are setup with Pushed Based CDR or you have a SFTP program, migrate the software to the new server and ensure to update the Call Manager.
  • Install the new Data collector on the server.
  • All your infrastructure and details will be available in the cloud, so you need not add each infrastructure separately.
  • If you have installed Vyopta Data Collector version 4 or above login to the Vyopta Admin Portal and validate each infrastructure.
  • Once the new collector has been installed successfully you can uninstall the data collector on the old Server.

Note: For CMS devices you have to update the CDR forward URL, which should take place automatically upon validation 


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