Vyopta Collector 4.4.0 - Release Notes


Release Date :  May 13, 2020

New Features

* [COL-1452] - Create (Port over) Exchange and O365 driver for Historical Calendar Collection
* [COL-1498] - Create (port over) Skype for Business driver for historical data
* [COL-1499] - Create (port over) Skype for Business driver for realtime data (via SDN)
* [COL-1655] - Cisco Endpoint driver: Collect & Send separate StandBy status for Cisco endpoints
* [COL-1702] - CUCM Driver: Preserve CDR metadata tracking across collector restarts
* [COL-1871] - VCS Driver: Add support for collecting quality data from non-media routed calls
* [COL-1873] - (Infinity) Add support for GUI based Installer for Vyopta Collector
* [COL-1903] - (Infinity) UI updates for GUI based Collector Installer
* [COL-1910] - TMS & Skype: Break deltaset table documents to smaller chunks
* [COL-1913] - VCS Driver: Improve XML parsing efficiency & unit testing coverage
* [COL-1921] - Pexip Driver: Add Unit Testing coverage
* [COL-1928] - Galaxy platform: Update Miscdata in client info for worker session
* [COL-1950] - CUBE Driver: Add support for utilizing summary table to get trunk statuses when individual status is not available
* [COL-1960] - CUBE: Disable CUBE CDR log documents by default
* [COL-2005] - CUCM Driver: Move some Infrastructure validation from Error to Warning messages
* [COL-2017] - CUBE Driver: Add support for high-level status monitoring and association of calls to trunks for Server Group configurations
* [COL-2028] - CUBE Driver: Improve trunk collection performance on large CUBE deployments
* [COL-2031] - Galaxy platform: Retry session refresh during 404 errors


Bugs Resolved

* [COL-1804] - VCS driver: Endpoint is not recognized when it's alias has 'sip:' prefix
* [COL-1906] - Skype Driver: Real time support for windows authentication
* [COL-1938] - VCS Driver: Stops reporting calls after certain number of days
* [COL-1969] - VCS Driver: Fix issue RealTime poll issues after dropped network connections
* [COL-1970] - VCS Driver: Fix realtime validation issue
* [COL-1973] - CUCM Driver: Fix issue with CDR retry logic when CUCM returns overuse exception
* [COL-1978] - CMS Driver: Fix issue when system validation prevents CDR collection
* [COL-1979] - Skype Driver: Re-register Realtime REST handler when system is re-enabled
* [COL-2001] - Fix issue with Installer firewall rules not being persistent on some linux systems


Click here to download the 4.4.0 Vyopta Collector

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