CMS Capacity Calculations in Vyopta


How is CMS capacity calculation done in Vyopta?


When calculating CMS capacity metrics within Vyopta, the following are used as input values:-

System Capacity

This is calculated depending upon the configured server type, which can be one of X2, X3, or VM, and is expressed as the Media Tokens Limit

  • In the event that the CMS type (above) is 'VM' this will be the value of the MediaTokensLimit license key
  • Otherwise the following values are used
    • For X2, the concurrent HD port Capacity is 125 HD (720p) ports - this equates to 3000 MediaTokens
    • For X3, the concurrent HD port Capacity is 250 HD (720p) ports - this equates to 6000 MediaTokens

The MediaToken calculation is used by Vyopta to compute the concurrent HD port utilisation.

Current HP Port Usage

The current usage is determined as a derivative of the data transmitted from the bridge, with video data token usage being  determined by taking into account the video stream characteristics (picture width, height and frame rate). For purposes of license consumption, the usage is grouped into bands for CMS:

  • audio, 320x240p30: 1 token
  • 320x240p30, 640x360p30: 1/8 HD ports or 3 tokens
  • 640x360p30, 640x480p30: 5/12 HD ports or 10 tokens
  • 640x360p30, 1280x720p30: 1/2 HD port 12 tokens
  • 1280x720p60, 1920x1080p30: 1 HD port or 24 tokens
  • 1920x1080p30 and higher: 2 HD ports 48 tokens

How Vyopta Receives the Data 

The system type and media tokens key data is both held statically within the Analytics platform, and transmitted by the Data Collector in the real time data sent. Similarity, the real time data contains the current HD port usage.


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