Support for Webex Cloud Registered Endpoints - FAQ

1. What kind of features capabilities are available from Vyopta for endpoints that registered to the Webex cloud?
Generally, all of the types of data we have from locally registered endpoints are available for cloud registered endpoints. Instead of the CDR coming from the local CUCM/VCS, we pull the call data directly from the endpoints. This also includes live call monitoring, endpoint status, detailed quality stats in realtime, peripheral status and alerts - the same as for locally registered endpoints.
2. What features are available from Vyopta that are not available from Control Hub and vice-versa? i.e. what additional value Vyopta provides that is not already provided by Control Hub?
Control Hub is used mainly for provisioning and management by Vyopta customers while providing limited monitoring and analytics capabilities. For more information on the capabilities of Vyopta, please refer to our Knowledge Base article.
3. Will you guys be able to gather all the same stats and Call CDRs from the cloud as you do from the CUCM?
Yes, CDRs come directly from the Vyopta endpoint monitoring service. We do not pull that data from the Webex cloud.
4. Are the endpoints also monitored in the same way we currently do it in the existing deployment, i.e. via SSH or via the new API implementation directly to the endpoint?
Yes, SSH port 22 plus web services on port 443 to support the latest features of the Vyopta Collector for endpoint monitoring. For more information on the capabilities of Vyopta, please refer to our Knowledge Base article.
5. Is there any special integration with WebEx APIs just for data/call stats form TP Endpoints that are registered to the cloud?
No data is pulled from the cloud to create the endpoint CDRs, call quality metrics, etc., since we pull it directly from the monitored endpoints. The latest Cisco models and firmware are supported by v.4.2.x of the Vyopta Collector for endpoint monitoring. For more information on the capabilities of Vyopta, please refer to our Knowledge Base article.
6. What type of security is supported in the communications between the Vyopta Cloud and the Webex Cloud?
The cloud is not involved in this process since all endpoint status, call data and quality metrics come directly from endpoints to your local Vyopta data collector server. For more information on the security of Vyopta, please refer to our Knowledge Base article.
7. Do you have any collateral that provides details on the capabilities of the solution when using the Webex Cloud to register the EPs?
Essentially there is no difference.   If we have more collateral,  we will post it here in this article. For more information on the capabilities of Vyopta, please refer to our Knowledge Base article.
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