Vyopta Collector 4.3.0 - Release Notes

** Bug
* [COL-1883] - Fix issue with adding non proxy hosts when using okhttp
* [COL-1895] - Lifesize driver: Clear zombie ssh threads
* [COL-1896] - Cube driver: Handle NPE

** Story
* [COL-1654] - CUBE driver: Add support for trunk status and trunk call messages
* [COL-1693] - Create (port over) CTPS Driver for realtime data
* [COL-1694] - Create (port over) CTPS Driver for historical data
* [COL-1755] - Create (port over) MCU driver for RealTime and Historical support
* [COL-1788] - Cisco Endpoint Driver: Send Diagnostic Warning and Error counts (TC + CE Firmwares)
* [COL-1868] - Cisco Endpoint Driver: Add support to honor RoomOS firmware for Cisco endpoints
* [COL-1892] - Cisco Endpoint Driver: Add support for 9.12 firmware behavior changes associated with cloud registered endpoints
* [COL-1909] - Galaxy platform: Add additional logging and metric improvements
* [COL-1914] - Cisco Endpoint Driver: Disable trace route functionality by default

** Customer Issue
* [COL-1790] - Cisco Endpoint Driver: Add support for honoring standby state when reporting Display status for Cisco Endpoints

* [COL-1915] - Start Vyopta Tech Insights Data collector service automatically after successful Install

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