This document describes the necessary steps and configuration commands needed to setup a CUBE for data collection and add CUBE to the Vyopta Admin Portal
Step 1 - Install SSH Client
Before starting, it is highly recommended to install an SSH client on your server that will be hosting the Vyopta collector.
Step 2 - Open Ports
Open all required ports between the server hosting the collector and the CUBE(s). This may require opening ports on a firewall, or allowing traffic via access control lists within the network.
The data collector needs to be able to access ISR/CUBE:
- On TCP port 22 (SSH)
On UCP port 161 (SNMP agent)
The ISR/CUBE needs to be able to send SNMP traps to the Vyopta data collector.
On UDP port 162
Step 3 - Configure the ISR/CUBE for SNMP access
snmp-server community vyoptacpm RO
snmp-server enable traps dial
snmp-server host <data collector host IP address> version 2c vyoptacpm
SNMP version 3 was introduced in version 4.8.7 of our Data Collector, should you need SNMPv3 support, please upgrade the collector to the latest version
snmp-server group SNMPv3 v3 priv read SNMPv3-RO
snmp-server view SNMPv3-RO iso included
snmp-server user vyopta_svc SNMPv3 v3 auth sha <auth Password> priv aes 128 <privacy password>
snmp-server host <CollectorIP> version 3 priv <snmpUsername>
snmp-server enable traps dial
Step 4 - Enable SSH
SSH port 22. Configure a limited IOS service account for Vyopta Tech Insights. NOTE – a different privilege level can be used at customer discretion. The levels below are the minimum requirement.
privilege configure all level 5 logging
privilege exec all level 5 show dial-peer voice summary
privilege exec all level 5 show dial-peer voice
privilege exec level 5 show dial-peer
privilege exec level 5 show
Create the required service account that has SSH access to ISR/CUBE
username vyopta_svc privilege 5 secret <password>
Step 5 - Enable status tracking on individual dial-peers per router
For each dial-peer, utilize the below commands to configure Out-of-dialog (OOD) OPTIONS Ping for Specified SIP
dial-peer voice tag voip
voice-class sip options-keepalive {up-interval seconds | down-interval seconds | retry retries}
- Example:
configure terminal
dial-peer voice 200 voip
voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 100 down-interval 50 retry 6
(these are the recommended and tested values)
Step 6 - Enable media statistics
Perform the below globally to enable the tracking of jitter, packet loss, and latency
voice service voip
media statistics
- Example
configure terminal
voice service voip
media statistics
1. Log into the Vyopta Admin Portal
2. Click on Infrastructure
3. Click on "New Infrastructure"
4. Locate the "Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE)" Card and click on it. It should look as below:
5. Fill in all the fields. Note - If opted to use SNMP v3, please put a dummy string in "Community String"
6. Click Save. If using SNMPv3, continue with below instructions
7. If using SNMPv3, click on "SNMP Settings" and fill in the below fields with how the CUBE was configured:
8. After clicking on Save, give it 5 minutes and then go to Tech Insights Monitoring to see if data is coming in.
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