How To: Assign Custom Tags To Your Endpoints.

In this article:

  • We will show you how to create a dataset for your endpoints.
  • We will show you how to create a report from your custom tags.

Steps: Custom Tagging

  1. From your Vyopta environment, go to Datasets>Endpoints.
  2. From your list of endpoints, select the hyperlink of the endpoint you would like to add your custom tag to.
  3. Select the button on the top right labeled ‘Edit Endpoint’.
  4. A pop-up screen titled ‘Update Endpoint’ will appear allowing you to add a custom tag. Enter a unique tag name in the ‘Custom Tags’ field that will be an identifier for this endpoint. This is what you’ll be able to create a report of in the future.
    * Don’t forget to Save! * Repeat this process to apply your custom tag to the appropriate endpoints.

Steps: Reporting on your new dataset.

Before you can create a report on your new dataset, a nightly processing run will need to be completed so all new custom tags are properly applied to your endpoints.

  1. From your Vyopta environment, go to Datasets>Endpoints.
  2. In the filter field, locate the filter, ‘endpoint tag equals’ and enter your custom tag name after that within the field.
  3. Once your results are retrieved, select the ‘Share’ button on the top right to run the report on your custom tags.

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