Space Insights Fields

The following is a list of all Room (Workspaces) Metrics and their definitions. 

Room Metric


Room Name

The name of the room associated with the unique room key (usually the Exchange Resource ID). The source of the Room Name is either pulled directly via the Vyopta Exchange integration or uploaded by the client via CSV.

Exchange Resource ID

The unique identifier (key) for the room. In scenarios where customers do not have Exchange or O365 and are uploading their calendar data via CSV, they should treat this as their unique room identifier.

Endpoint Name (Room)

The name of the Vyopta managed endpoint associated to the Exchange Resource ID.


The location of the "Endpoint Name (Room)" that has been associated to the Exchange Resource ID

Scheduled Meeting Count

The number of scheduled meetings for the Exchange Resource ID during the reporting period.

Scheduled Meeting Minute

The sum of minutes scheduled for the Exchange Resource ID during the reporting period. For example, if the reporting period is one day and an Exchange Resource ID has been scheduled for meetings from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM and from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM, the Scheduled Meeting Minute count would be 120.

Attended Meeting Count

The count of scheduled meetings during the reporting period in which any Vyopta monitored activity took place between the start and end of the scheduled meeting. For example, if a meeting is scheduled in a room (Exchange Resource ID) from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM and the Endpoint Name (Room) that is mapped to that room detects there was any activity (people count, non-call presentation, audio call, video call, or any combination of these room activities) between 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, then it is classified as an Attended Meeting.

Attended Meeting Minute

The sum of any room activity minutes during scheduled meeting minutes for the reporting period. For example, if a meeting is scheduled in a room (Exchange Resource ID) from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM and the Endpoint Name (Room) that is mapped to that room detects there was any activity (people count, non-call presentation, audio call, video call, or any combination of these room activities) between 9:00 AM - 9:25AM, then it is classified as an Attended Meeting and the Attended Meeting Minutes would be 25.

Scheduled Minute %

(Scheduled Meeting Minute) / (Total Minutes in Reporting Period)

Attended Meeting Minute %

(Attended Meeting Minute) / (Scheduled Meeting Minute)

Missed Meeting Minute

The sum of scheduled minutes for Missed Meetings during the reporting period. For example, if a meeting is scheduled in a room (Exchange Resource ID) from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM and the Endpoint Name (Room) that is mapped to that room detects there was no activity (people count, non-call presentation, audio call, video call, or any combination of these room activities) between 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, then it is classified as a Missed Meeting and the Missed Meeting Minute value would be 60.

Missed Meeting Minute %

(Missed Meeting Minute) / (Scheduled Meeting Minute) 

Unused Meeting Minute %

[(Scheduled Meeting Minute) - (Attended Meeting Minute)]/(Scheduled Meeting Minute)

Unused Meeting Minute

(Scheduled Meeting Minute) - (Attended Meeting Minute)

Attended Meeting %

(Attended Meeting Count) / (Scheduled Meeting Count)

Missed %

(Missed Meeting Count) / (Scheduled Meeting Count)

Missed Meeting Count

The count of scheduled meetings during the reporting period in which no Vyopta monitored activity was detected between the start and end of the scheduled meeting. For example, if a meeting is scheduled in a room (Exchange Resource ID) from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM and the Endpoint Name (Room) that is mapped to that room detects no activity (people count, non-call presentation, audio call, video call, or any combination of these room activities) between 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, then it is classified as a Missed Meeting.

Max. Room Capacity

The maximum amount of people the room is designed for. This value is uploaded to Vyopta via CSV upload. Please contact your Vyopta team for instructions.

No Activity Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period in there is zero activity (People Count, Presentation, or Audio/Video Call)  based on a 24 hour day (1440) not Utilization Period

Occupied Room Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period in which any room activity is collected (people count, local presentation, audio call, video call) based on a 24 hour day (1440) not Utilization Period

No Activity %

(No Activity Minutes) / (Total Minutes in reporting period) 

Occupied Room %

(Occupied Room Minutes) / (Total Minutes in reporting period)

Average Total People Count

The average of all people count readings for the reporting period (include zeros, exclude “-1” where People Count is temporarily unavailable).

Average Occupied People Count

This is the average of all people count readings during the reporting period when when there is at least one person in the room.

Max. People Count

The highest single people count reading during the reporting period

Occupancy Utilization %

(Occupied Room Minutes) / ( Utilization Period Minutes)

Average Total Capacity %

The average of all "capacity rate" readings for the reporting period where "Capacity rate" equals [(People count) / (Max Room Capacity) ] * 100.

Average Occupied Capacity %

Average of "capacity rates" during the reporting period when people count >= 1 where "Capacity rate" equals [(People count) / (Max Room Capacity) ] * 100.

In-Call Presentation Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period in which the endpoint mapped to the room is presenting during a call. This includes both audio and video calls.

Non-Call Presentation Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period in which the endpoint mapped to the room is presenting while no call is taking place on that endpoint.

Presentation Utilization %

(Presentation Minutes) / (Utilization Period Minutes)

Call Presentation Utilization %

(In-Call Presentation Minutes) / (Utilization Period Minutes)

Non-Call Presentation Utilization %

(Non-Call Presentation Minutes) / (Utilization Period Minutes)

Video Call Count

The count of video calls made during the reporting period.

Video Call Minute

The total minutes of video calls during the reporting period.

Audio Call Count

The count of audio calls made during the reporting period.

Audio Call Minute

The total minutes of audio calls during the reporting period.

Presentation Count

The count of presentations made during the reporting period. This includes presentations in-call and non-call presentations.

Presentation Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period in which the endpoint in the room is presenting. This includes both in-call and non-call presentation minutes.

People Only Count

The count of occurrences during the reporting period when a person or multiple people were in a room without using any room technology monitored by Vyopta. For example, if two people walk into a room and have a no-tech on-on-one meeting for 30 minutes, that would be 1 People Only Count room activity.

People Only Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period when a person or multiple people were in a room without using any room technology monitored by Vyopta. For example, if two people walk into a room and have a no-tech one-on-one meeting for 30 minutes, that would be 30 People Only Minutes of room activity.

Presentation Only Count

The count of occurrences during the reporting period when a presentation is delivered on the endpoint when there is no other room activity taking place across what is monitored by Vyopta in that room. For example, when two people walk into a room and collaborate for 30 minutes on a presentation that's shared locally but do not make a call, that would be 1 Presentation Only Count room activity.

Presentation Only Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period when a presentation is delivered on the endpoint when there is no other room activity taking place across what is monitored by Vyopta in that room. For example, when two people walk into a room and collaborate for 30 minutes on a presentation that's shared locally but do not make a call, that would be 30 Presentation Only Minutes of room activity.

Video Only Count

The count of occurrences during the reporting period when a video call is made in a room. This room activity count does not include occurrences when there is both video and presentation.

Video Only Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period when a video call is made in a room. This room activity count does not include minutes when there is both video and presentation.

Audio Only Count

The count of occurrences during the reporting period when an audio call is made in a room. This room activity count does not include occurrences when there is both audio and presentation.

Audio Only Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period when an audio call is made in a room. This room activity count does not include minutes when there is both audio and presentation.

Presentation & Video Count

The count of occurrences during the reporting period when a video call is made in a room that also includes presentation.

Presentation & Video Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period when a video call is made in a room that is also sharing a presentation on that call.

Presentation & Audio Count

The count of occurrences during the reporting period when an audio call is made in a room that also includes presentation.

Presentation & Audio Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period when an audio call is made in a room that is also sharing a presentation on that call.

No Activity Count

The number of occurrences during the reporting period in which there was no activity measured in the room across all aspects Vyopta was monitoring. For example, if the reporting period was one day and there was nobody in the room from 12:00 AM to 9:00 AM, then an audio call was made from 9:00AM - 10:00 AM, then nobody was in the room the rest of the day, the "No Activity Count" for that day would be 2 from the 12:00 AM - 9:00 AM occurrence plus the 10:00 AM - 11:59 PM occurrence.

No Activity Minute

The number of minutes during the reporting period in which there was no activity measured in the room across all aspects Vyopta was monitoring. For example, if the reporting period was one day and there was nobody in the room from 12:00 AM to 9:00 AM, then an audio call was made from 9:00AM - 10:00 AM, then nobody was in the room the rest of the day, the "No Activity Minute" for that day would be 1,380 from the 540 minutes from 12:00 AM - 9:00 AM plus the 840 minutes 10:00 AM - 11:59 PM occurrence.

Scheduled Room Activity Minute

Room activity that took place during a scheduled meeting (Room Activity Does not include "No Activity")

Non-Scheduled Room Activity Minute

Room activity that took place when no meeting was scheduled (ad-hoc) (Room Activity Does not include "No Activity")


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