Vyopta Monitoring - Installing and Configuring freeFTPd


Obtaining FreeFTPd

freeFTPd is an open source FTP/SFTP server for Windows that can be freely downloaded from http://www.freesshd.com/freeFTPd.exe with no registration required.

Installing the Server

Once downloaded, the executable may simply double-clicked to install the server. If UAC is triggered, then select Yes to allow the installation to proceed.

Step through to accept the defaults at every stage of the installation and click Close when prompted to try other products.

The final step of the installation will ask if you wish to run the program as a system service.


Select Yes, and, once the service has been started, click on Finish.


Configuring the Server

The freeFTPd utility should be started by using the shortcut on the desktop or from Start. 

Note that this utility should be executed with Run as administrator

Once running, the utility will allow the server to be configured, with the initial status being displayed.


Change the SFTP root directory to C:\Vyopta\SFTP and select Start to run the server 

If prompted to permit network access, select Allow access


Finally, in this pane, click on Apply and Save

Configuring the User


Specify Login to be VyoptaSFTP and ensure that Authorization is specified as Password is saved as a SHA1 hash by selecting the appropriate item from the dropdown.

Choose and specify a password as appropriate and finally ensure that the Home directory is specified as $SERVERROOT - this will need to be changed from the defaulted value

Unselect the FTP server, leaving only SFTP enabled 

Click on Apply 

A panel will now be displayed showing a summary of the configured user(s). Click on Apply & Save


As soon as is practicable you should reboot the server and verify that the service started as expected.


Post Installation Testing

  • Verify that you are able to connect to localhost using the expected credentials
    • Install WinSCP on the machine running the data collector.
    • Connect to localhost
    • Enter the username and password configured previously 
  • Using the session established
    • Transfer any file
    • Verify that the file is present in the expected directory and delete it
  • Perform the above tests from another machine
    • Verify that you can connect and transfer a file, as above
  • If possible, perform the above tests from a machine on the same network segment as your CUCM
    • This will verify that connectivity is permitted over the same path as will be used in production



  • The service has not started
    • Verify that the service is set to start automatically (run services.msc and located the service, right clock to obtain its properties and select the appropriate startup type)
    • Verify that the no other service is using port 22 (start a command prompt as administrator and run netstat -ban | more – find the entry for and look at the name of the program beneath it)
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