Workspaces to Endpoint Mapping

Vyopta Workspace Insights utilizes three main components to enable the Workspaces features. Vyopta Workspace Insights also supports adding additional Workspaces metadata attributes (optional) that can be provided by the customer in CSV format to append additional information such as max room capacity, location, structured tags, etc..

Note: In-platform, you may see the term 'Rooms' used. We currently use 'Rooms' and 'Workspaces' interchangeably, but will be transitioning to the term 'Workspaces' long-term as it's more encompassing of the meeting areas used in modern office design.

In order to correctly display Workspaces data, you will need to map Exchange/O365 workspaces to video endpoints. This can be accomplished in two ways:

  • manually mapping Workspaces to Endpoints in the Web UI
  • bulk import using a CSV file which is placed in the upload folder on the data collector server.

See the table below which lists the pros and cons of these two possible ways to map Workspaces to Endpoints.

Mapping Method



Web UI

Fast, easy to use for getting started right away.

Does not scale with a large number of Workspaces/Endpoints

CSV Import

Scales easily to very large number of endpoints.

May take extra time to develop and execute a script to output CSV file in required format

Using the Workspace Insights UI to Manually Map Workspaces to Endpoints

To get started right away you can easily map Workspaces (Rooms) to Endpoints in the Workspace Insights web user interface by performing the following:

  • Log into Vyopta as an ORG Administrator.
  • Change your Module view to Workspace Insights.
  • Click Settings on the bottom left side navigation bar.
  • On the Settings page click the Rooms sub-tab view.
  • On the Rooms settings page you will see a list of all room names as sourced from your Exchange Distribution List or your Room Resource List populated from your manual CSV file.
  • Click the edit button on a Room listed and then choose from the available endpoints to assign to that resource.
  • Repeat as needed for all your rooms.

Using the CSV Import Method to Map Workspaces to Endpoints

For Vyopta Workspaces integration at minimum, your CSV will need to contain the following attributes. In addition, you should consider adding additional fields as needed such as location information, structured tags, etc. which can be used to segment rooms and endpoints data and views in vAnalytics.

Fields required are:

  • EndpointKey
  • EndpointKeyType
  • RoomKey (ExchangeResourceID)

Note: Your Workspaces to Endpoints mapping file must be CSV UTF-8 and named as follows: Endpoint_Metadata_DATE_TIME.csv, i.e. Endpoint_Metadata_20180601_1622.csv

The endpoint metadata file is a CSV, comma separated, flat file that contains additional attributes to categorize endpoints to support customer reporting needs. For Vyopta Workspaces this file is used to map endpoints to workspaces/rooms. 

Filename: Endpoint_Metadata_DATE_TIME.csv

File Location: C:\Vyopta\CustomData\Upload

File Format: CSV UTF-8

Data Element



Description / Example




Unique key for us to identify an Endpoint (Can be Email, URI, SerialNumber, TMS Source ID, CUCM Device Name etc.)




“EMAIL” for email address (

“URI” for endpoint URI (

“CUCM” for CUCM Device Name (SEP Device ID)

“SERIAL” for endpoint serial number

“TMS” for TMS ID





Note: You can request an endpoint extract CSV file from your Vyopta Customer Success Manager or assigned Engineer to assist in getting started. 

Copy your Workspaces to Endpoints CSV file to the data collector server Upload folder

Once you have developed your CSV import file for mapping Workspaces to Endpoints you will need to copy the file to the data collector upload folder by performing the following:

  • Log into to your Windows server running the vAnalytics Data Collector using RDP.
  • Identify the location of your 'CustomData\Upload' path location, i.e C:\Vyopta\CustomData\Upload
  • Copy your Endpoint_Metadata_DATE_TIME.csv file into the 'CustomData\Upload' folder on the server 
  • This file once uploaded will disappear from the folder (usually in just a few minutes)
  • Note, the file will be processed nightly with your ORGs data, so you'll need to wait overnight to see the data in Advanced Analytics.

Sample: Excel sheet

EndpointKey, EndpointKeyType, RoomKey (SerialNumber, CUCM, ExchangeResourceID)



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