The reports and displays from Tech Insights Monitoring and Tech Insights Analytics are not expected to be identical. This is because different data is being captured for the different reporting that they are designed to deliver for you:
Tech Insights Monitoring
- Leverages real-time APIs to capture current activities and statistics for each endpoint and infrastructure monitored. Data is captured at the most granular level. For example, individual call legs between conferencing nodes will be captured and displayed in Tech Insights Monitoring.
Tech Insights Analytics
- Leverages CDR records / Log APIs to capture ALL activities from the infrastructure devices' short-term databases. This will contain all calls including some very short or failed calls.
Here are a couple of common scenarios where the reporting from these two tools might not perfectly align:
You see data in Tech Insights Analytics that does not show up in Tech Insights monitoring - Since it captures all calls from the infrastructure database, Tech Insights Analytics is the true "system of record" in terms of call activities. Tech Insights Monitoring may not catch in real time some calls that failed or ended within a few seconds.
You see data in Tech Insights Monitoring that is not shown in Tech Insights Analytics - Reporting duplicated call legs in Tech Insights Monitoring adds value in troubleshooting a call path. However, it overstates the actual call volume. In Tech Insights Analytics, we implemented advanced cleansing and deduplication logic to display accurate overall call metrics.
Tech Insights Monitoring and Tech Insights Analytics take their data from different sources, and it is therefore possible that data may not match. Tech Insights Monitoring takes real-time data feeds from the endpoints and infrastructure, and reflects this in the Tech Insights Monitoring module. Tech Insights Analytics takes historical data, such as call records and system configuration, and processes these for display in the Tech Insights Analytics module. There is there potential for mismatch when either Tech Insights Monitoring or Tech Insights Analytics does not update.
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