Viewing peak concurrent usage for Webex

Are you looking to view peak concurrent usage for your Webex account? You can do this by following the steps below:

  1. Choose the data range in which you are interested.
  2. In Tech Insights Analytics, Dashboards -> Capacity select the Webex Capacity tab.
  3. Locate the panel titled "Concurrent Meeting Peak (By System Type) - WEBEX".
  4. This will show the trend graph over the time period chosen. To see the usage over a day, click on the data line for that day:

    Concurrent Meeting Peak (By System Type) - WEBEX
  5. This should give you the information that you need.

For more information on capacity usage, please refer to our How can I see my licensing usage for a period of time and for a particular technology? article.

Keywords: Webex, Capacity, Concurrent Meeting Peak, Tech Insights Analytics, Dashboards
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