How Vyopta Calculates Endpoint Utilisation

When looking at the reports obtained from the Vyopta, one often sees a utilisation expressed as a percentage. 

This document attempts to explain how this value is obtained. 

Firstly, it is important to note that the Vyopta platform makes no assumptions regarding which days are a part of the working week and which are not - any such assumption may be culturally inappropriate.

The Vyopta platform performs its calculations based on the following:-

  • The number of hours that the Endpoint was used (t)
  • The configured number of days in a working week (default 5) (d)
  • The configured number of hours in a working day (default 8) (h)
  • The time period over which the data is measured (T)

 The calculation is performed as follows:-

The time period is divided by 7, and any remaining days being noted.

Each 7 day period is assumed to constitute a working week - by default 5 days will be assumed working days - and each will be assumed to be 8 hours long.

The remaining days will be considered working days, as above.

This can be expressed as 

(((T div 7) * d) + (T mod 7)) * h

For example, when T = 28 days

28 div 7 = 4

28 mod 7 = 0

hours = ((4 * 5) + 0) * 8 = 160 hours (20 calculated working days of 8 hours)

The utilisation will therefore be (as a percentage)

t/160 * 100 == t/1.6

If the endpoint was used for 8 hours, 

8/1.6 = 5%

As another example, if the selected period (T) was 31 days, the calculation of the utilisation

(((31 div 7)  * 5) + (31 mod 7)) * 8 

which is

((4 * 5) + 3) * 8 = 184 hours (23 calculated working days of 8 hours)  

It is worth noting that the calculated working days in any period may not match the real working days for your particular circumstances. 

The actual percentage utilisation would therefore be calculated as 

(t/184) * 100


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