How Can I Access the Vyopta Knowledge Base?


How can I access the Knowledge base articles published in Vyopta?


The Vyopta knowledge base contains many articles that may be of use to any user of the Vyopta platform. The articles in the knowledge base will be openly available in many cases, however some may require that you authenticate in order to access them.

The knowledge base can be accessed from the Vyopta home page and Selecting the Support & Services menu item - the following will be displayed with the Knowledge Base link on the left.


Selecting the Knowledge Base link will take you to the following page


Here one can search the publicly accessible documents, and also, using the Sign In item in the top right, authenticate and see the articles that have restricted access. We would recommend that you sign in since all available articles will be visible to you.

Once signed in, new support cases can be raised by clicking on the Submit a Support Request link, and support cases owned by your organization can be seen by selecting My Activities from the dropdown menu

For more information on getting the most out of your Vyopta support experience, please refer to our Getting the most out of your Vyopta support experience article. To learn more about creating a Vyopta Support Account, please refer to our Create a Vyopta Support Account article.

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