Are you having call connection issues? In the Issues tab of Tech Insights Analytics, you can navigate to the Call Not Connected Reason Analysis panel to help you identify why your calls are not connecting.
If you don't see the panel, click the three ... button at the upper right corner under the date range selected. This will open the panel configuration, which is set to:
Calls Not Connected Reason Analysis
Category : Call
Metric : Total Calls (Count)
Group : by Disconnect Reason
Filter : Connection Status equals Not Connected
Display Type : Pie
This will produce a graph that looks like this:
The pie chart is interactive. You can select and deselect failure reasons to appear in the pie chart by clicking the failure reason in the legend. In the screenshot below, the failure reason ‘No Route to Destination Found’ was removed and the pie chart updated accordingly.
Click on the Not Connected portion of the pie chart to drill down into Call Details on the Endpoints tab. You will notice that the filters above the data will reflect the specific portion of the pie chart selected. In this case, these are all calls that did not connect. You can change and/or add filters for additional data analysis.
If you want to drill into any calls that did not connect for a particular failure reason, you can click on that failure reason portion of the pie chart. In the example above, clicking on the ‘No route to destination found’ failure reason redirects you to Call Details within the Endpoints tab where the calls not connected were due to no route to destination being found.
Tip: You can use the date range picker in the top right of any tab in Advanced Analytics to change the dates you want to analyze. You can click on the button at the top right corner of your page to schedule a one time or recurring report.
For more information on the Call Not Connected Reason Analysis panel, please refer to the Default Panels page in the Vyopta Knowledge Base.
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