At Vyopta, we understand the importance of data security and privacy. We take great care to ensure that your data is stored and processed securely. Our EULA addresses the specifics, but the summary is that no customer data is ever shared with any external parties for any reason, ever. We may use anonymized data internally for the purpose of understanding trends, troubleshooting, feature development, statistical analysis, or benchmarking. Specific customer call data will only be shared internally for the purpose of troubleshooting any issues with that customer only.
Our data is processed and stored in secure servers at various Amazon Web Services locations. To learn more about our data security and privacy policies, please refer to our Data Security and Privacy Policies article. Our team of hardworking employees partners with you closely to understand your needs and to support you through deployment and operation of our solution. Vyopta also partners closely with major UC vendors like Cisco and Microsoft to provide a best-of-breed solution. We follow an agile development process and are responsive to the needs of our customers and the market. To learn more about our approach to customer success, please refer to our Introduction Across Your Organization article.
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