How do I modify, delete, or disable an existing alert?

Navigate to the Alerts tab of Tech Insights Monitoring, where you will be presented a list of alerts as shown in the screenshot below:

  • To modify an existing alert, click on the edit button (the pencil-in-a-square icon) for that alert on the right hand side of the row for alert to be modified.
  • To delete an existing alert, click on the delete button (the trash can icon) for that alert on the right hand side of the row for alert to be deleted.
  • To disable an existing alert, click on the green Enabled button for that alert on the right hand side of the row for alert to be disabled. (If instead the alert is displaying a grey Disabled button as in the second alert on the list below, the alert is already disabled, and clicking on that button will reenable it.)


Not seeing the alert you’re looking for? Try clicking the All Alerts button above the list to see all alerts defined for your organization.

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