When does Vyopta process data for Tech Insights Analytics? What about daylight savings?

Vyopta processes data for Tech Insights Analytics nightly, Sunday through Thursday, with a weekly maintenance window on Saturday (CT North America). This means that Tech Insights Analytics will reflect data from your environment as of the previous business day. It may take up to 24-48 hours for your endpoints to appear in the Tech Insights Monitoring & Tech Insights Analytics modules, and endpoint and location tagging for Tech Insights Analytics will usually be available the next business day, but may also take 24-48 hours to become usable in groups and filters.

It is important to note that Vyopta operates in standard time and does not acknowledge daylight savings compensations. This may change in the future, but currently all times will be reported without daylight savings offsets.

If you are not able to see data for a piece of infrastructure, you will be prompted to confirm that you want the piece of infrastructure enabled. Click 'OK' to enable it. Just a reminder, if you start collecting data for a device, it may take up to 48 hours before data starts to show up in Tech Insights Analytics, since we only process historical data once a day during the overnight hours for your organization. Learn more here.

It is possible that Tech Insights Monitoring and Tech Insights Analytics data may not match. Tech Insights Monitoring takes real-time data feeds from the endpoints and infrastructure, and reflects this in the Tech Insights Monitoring module. Tech Insights Analytics takes historical data, such as call records and system configuration, and processes these for display in the Tech Insights Analytics module. There is there potential for mismatch when either Tech Insights Monitoring or Tech Insights Analytics does not have the most up-to-date information. Learn more here.

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