Creating an Event Monitor


This article will walk through creating an Event monitor within Vyopta. To read the difference between Events and Metrics, please click here.

Creating An Event

If your organization is enabled for creating Events, you can click on the "Add Monitor" button which opens up a dropdown menu. In the dropdown, you can select "Event Monitor".

Now that we're on the Event Monitor Page, lets go over the "Events" section under the "Set filter conditions".

There are 6 different attributes you can choose from. Three of them are visible when you open a new events page:

  • Origin Type (Visible By Default)
    • Origin type is used for the type of system you want to accept events for. Currently the only option for Event type is "Endpoints". We will be adding other origin types like System in the future. 
  • Event Type (Visible By Default
    • The Event Type is what Event you want to get alerted on. There are over 190 different Events to choose from. "Endpoint Down" and "Endpoint In Call" are Vyopta generated Events while the rest of the Events are events that Cisco Endpoints have the capability of sending as a Diagnostic Message. Vyopta does not know the type of messages that Cisco Endpoints can/will send.
  • Level
    • The Level is the level of the event coming from the source system. For Example, if you choose "Camera Pairing" as an event type. The endpoint can have different messages for the error, and with each ever, it can have a different event level. So camera pairing event types can either come in as Critical or Warning for instance. The Level option in Vyopta allows you to either accept any level and get alerted on that or you can filter down to get only Critical Level Events from the endpoint itself. 
  • Message
    • Message allows you to filter on what messages you want to get alerted on based on what the system is sending. It has the normal operators the Vyopta generally provides. It's recommended that if you do not know what messages are coming in as, to not use this filter until you have determined how you want to filter your events. 
  • Category
    • Category currently holds 2 values. Endpoint Status and Cisco Diagnostics. This is an added filter to narrow down if you just want to receive Endpoint Status Events or Cisco Diagnostics. 
  • Origin ID
    • The Origin ID is the identifier for the origin object. Currently this is related to the endpoint you want to select. However it is recommended you use the Origin Type (e.g Endpoints) filter. 


The second section under "Set filter conditions" allows you to filter what endpoints you would like the monitor to be for. You have the ability to select certain endpoints, use tags or any other available field in the menu. It's recommended to use tags, that way as a user you do not have to constantly add endpoints. 

Defining a status trigger

The define a status trigger allows you to select a status for your events that is not the same as what the endpoint sends for your emails/webhooks and set the duration of how long the event needs to be available before it is triggered as a notification. 



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