Poly Lens Integration


Step 1 - Set up an API Integration with the Poly Lens Portal (lens.poly.com)

The required API Integration requires full read/write administrator credentials. To add and verify the integration for the Poly Lens collector, please complete the following:

  1. In the Poly Lens Portal (lens.poly.com) go to the Account menu -> Manage Accounts.
  2. Select an account from the list that you want to use to host the integration.
  3. Select Integrations > API from the side menu.
  4. Select Create API Connection.
  5. Enter a Name and Role (Admin role only).
  6. Select Confirm.
  7. Enter the password in the Password field.
  8. This new connection will populate the integrations API List just like below

    Figure 12-1: Poly Lens Integrations | API Menu

Step 2 - Add a Poly Lens Connector

To add a Poly Lens Connector requires the following:

  • Client ID and Secret from the new integration you created above

Please follow the instructions below to add your Poly Lens instance:

  1. Navigate to Vyopta Admin Portal to access the Vyopta Administration Portal and log in with your Vyopta credentials
  2. Select the Infrastructure menu or Icon, then select New Infrastructure
  3. From the selection of infrastructure types, click Poly Lens: 
Poly Infra.jpg
  1. Fill in the connection and integration details for Poly Lens:


  1. Enter the description of the Lens Integration. This can include the device group, location, and other unique identifiers.
  2. For Host address, use https://api.silica-prod01.io.lens.poly.com
  3. Enter the Client Id and Client Secret that you created in the Poly Lens Portal.
  4. Click the Save button when complete.
  5. After clicking Save, two new buttons will appear on this page: Disabled (at the top) and Validate (at the bottom).
  6. Click the Validate button to check that the collector can successfully connect to the infrastructure. A pop-up will appear:


  1. If you get a Validation was Unsuccessful, click the Details arrow for information on causes, such as API credentials, connection issues, etc. that should assist you in correcting the problem.
  2. Now you can click the Disabled button to the Enabled state to begin monitoring and data collection from your Poly Lens account.
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