Step 1 - Set up an API Integration with the Poly Lens Portal (
The required API Integration requires full read/write administrator credentials. To add and verify the integration for the Poly Lens collector, please complete the following:
- In the Poly Lens Portal ( go to the Account menu -> Manage Accounts.
- Select an account from the list that you want to use to host the integration.
- Select Integrations > API from the side menu.
- Select Create API Connection.
- Enter a Name and Role (Admin role only).
- Select Confirm.
- Enter the password in the Password field.
- This new connection will populate the integrations API List just like below
Figure 12-1: Poly Lens Integrations | API Menu
Step 2 - Add a Poly Lens Connector
To add a Poly Lens Connector requires the following:
- Client ID and Secret from the new integration you created above
Please follow the instructions below to add your Poly Lens instance:
- Navigate to Vyopta Admin Portal to access the Vyopta Administration Portal and log in with your Vyopta credentials
- Select the Infrastructure menu or Icon, then select New Infrastructure
- From the selection of infrastructure types, click Poly Lens:
- Fill in the connection and integration details for Poly Lens:
- Enter the description of the Lens Integration. This can include the device group, location, and other unique identifiers.
- For Host address, use
- Enter the Client Id and Client Secret that you created in the Poly Lens Portal.
- Click the Save button when complete.
- After clicking Save, two new buttons will appear on this page: Disabled (at the top) and Validate (at the bottom).
- Click the Validate button to check that the collector can successfully connect to the infrastructure. A pop-up will appear:
- If you get a Validation was Unsuccessful, click the Details arrow for information on causes, such as API credentials, connection issues, etc. that should assist you in correcting the problem.
- Now you can click the Disabled button to the Enabled state to begin monitoring and data collection from your Poly Lens account.
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