When I try to upload a spaces.csv file to the Spaces section in the Vyopta Admin Portal, I am seeing the following errors in the email sent back to me.
What was the issue, and how can I fix it.
Unfortuantely at this time, the errors are not being exposed in the email, and will be addressed in an upcoming release.
The main problem is that in your spaces.csv file has a required field of Building Key. If you leave the building key blank, then your spaces import will fail.
How do I fix this?
First, you will need to create a Building record. You can download the template from the building tab to jump start in the creation of the building record
Next, open your buildings.csv file and create a single record with the following values as shown in the screenshot below
BUILDINGNAME - Main (you can make this as generic that you want if you are not using the building functionality)
Now re-upload the buildings.csv file from the buildings tab. This should import successfully.
In your existing spaces.csv file, for each record in the file, assign the BUILDINGKEY colum with a 1 as shown with the screenshot below.
Save the updated spaces.csv file and upload. You should get a successful import.
If you are still having issues with uploading your spaces.csv file, please reach out to Support and we will be happy to assist you with your upload issue.
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