Cisco Control Hub For Devices Integration


The connection between Vyopta and Cisco Webex is a cloud-to-cloud connector that allows Vyopta to retrieve the list of Endpoints in Workspaces. This connector allows Vyopta to monitor devices that are in remote locations that a Vyopta Data Collector cannot reach. Due to an API rate limitation on the Webex side, this connector should be used for a handful of devices like C-Level Exec Endpoints and possibly VP endpoints. This document will walk through setting up the Cisco Control Hub Device.

Required Authorization level

Full Admin Access

The Authorizing User needs to have Full Admin privileges in the Cisco Control Hub instance to allow Vyopta to leverage an Integration App to collect data on your behalf.


Depending on customer's restrictions in Control-Hub, you may have to temporary enable Global Access to allow the oAuth integration to work. If this setting is not enabled, you may get an access denied response when processing the oAuth request. All you need to do, is log into Control-Hub - Apps - General and turn on Global Access located in the Embedded Apps box as shown in the screenshot below. Once the oAuth connection is completed, you can turn off the Global Access.


Cisco Control Hub Integration Setup

To start collecting Webex endpoints and allow remote xAPI monitoring you will need to add the "Cisco Control Hub Device" infrastructure by performing the following:

    • Log into your Vyopta account (requires Admin privileges)
    • Select the Admin Portal from the Product Selection Menu


    • Select Infrastructure and New Infrastructure
    • Select the Infrastructure menu or Icon, then select New Infrastructure
    • From the selection of infrastructure types, click Cisco Control Hub Device


    • Fill in the Name and description details
    • Click the Save button when complete.
    • After clicking Save, you will see the Cisco Webex Authorization section below. Once you expand the section and click on 'Click to Authorize' you will be prompted to log into your Cisco Webex account.


    • Read the permissions required for Cisco Webex Integration and click on Accept.
    • Once you hit Accept, on successful authorization you will be redirected back to the Vyopta Admin Portal.
    • Click the Validate button to check that the collector can successfully connect to the infrastructure. A pop-up will appear:


Once the connection has been setup and validated, it will take 24 hours for devices to start showing up in Vyopta.

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